
zydadmin2024-04-17  48

How to Ask about Weather in English?

Weather is one of the most common topics of conversation around the world. Whether you're making small talk with a stranger or catching up with an old friend, talking about the weather is a great way to start a conversation. If you're in an English-speaking country and want to ask about the weather, there are a few phrases that you can use to get the conversation started:

Asking about the Current Weather

If you want to ask someone about the current weather, here are a few phrases you can use:

"What's the weather like today?"

"How's the weather outside?"

"Is it hot/cold/rainy/snowy today?"

These expressions are simple and clear, and you can use them with anyone, no matter their age or the formality of the situation.

Asking about the Forecasted Weather

If you want to ask about the weather for the next few days, you can use these phrases:

"What does the weather forecast say for tomorrow?"

"Is it supposed to rain/snow tomorrow?"

"Are we expecting any heatwaves/cold spells this week?"

These expressions are useful if you want to plan ahead for any outdoor activities, and they can also spark a conversation about seasonal differences in weather.

Talking about the Weather in English

Now that you know a few common phrases for asking about the weather, it's important to know how to respond to someone who asks you about the weather. Here are a few expressions you can use:

"It's sunny/cloudy/raining today."

"It's a beautiful day outside."

"It's supposed to get colder/warmer over the next few days."

These expressions can help you engage in a conversation with others and perhaps even make new friends.


Asking about the weather is a great way to start a conversation in English, and with a few simple expressions, you can make small talk with anyone. Whether you're meeting new people or catching up with old friends, talking about the weather can help you connect with others and learn more about your surroundings. So don't be afraid to strike up a conversation, and always be prepared with a few phrases to ask about the weather.


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