
zydadmin2024-04-17  19

What is a sentence without a predicate and how to identify the subject in English?

In English grammar, a sentence without a predicate is also known as a sentence fragment or a phrase. It is a group of words that begins with a capital letter and ends with a punctuation mark, but it is not a complete sentence as it lacks a verb or an action word.

Identifying the subject in a sentence fragment can be a tricky task as subject and predicate go hand in hand in forming a complete sentence. However, there are some tips that can help in recognizing the subject:

1. Look for the noun: A subject is usually a noun, and it can be a person, place, thing or an idea. Scan the fragment for any noun that could potentially be the subject.

2. Check for subject pronouns: Subject pronouns such as he, she, it, they, we, and I, can also be an indicator of the subject in the fragment.

3. Look at the context: Sometimes the context of the fragment can help in identifying the subject. For example, if the fragment is a part of a conversation, the subject could be referring to the person or thing just mentioned.

Now, let's take a look at some examples of sentence fragments without predicates and how to identify the subject:

1. "In the kitchen." - This fragment does not have a predicate, but it does have a subject, which is "kitchen."

2. "Running late." - The subject in this fragment is "I" as it is implied that the speaker is the one running late.

3. "On the table." - The subject in this fragment could be either "table" or "it," depending on the context.

Sentence fragments can be used effectively in creative writing for emphasis or stylistic purposes, but they should be avoided in formal writing such as academic essays.

In conclusion, a sentence without a predicate is a sentence fragment that lacks a verb or action word. Identifying the subject in a sentence fragment can be a challenge, but by looking for nouns, subject pronouns, and context, it is possible to determine the subject. Remember to avoid using sentence fragments in formal writing and use them sparingly for creative purposes.


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