
zydadmin2024-04-17  34

Power of Parallelism: Examples of English Parallel Sentences

The art of writing is much like the art of painting. Just as different colors are used to create the shades of a beautiful painting, different sentences are used to create a masterpiece of written words. Among these sentences are parallel sentences, which can enhance the beauty and appeal of any writing. In this article, we will explore the power of parallelism and provide examples of English parallel sentences.

What are Parallel Sentences?

Parallel sentences, also known as parallelism, are a writing technique that involves the repetition of grammatical patterns to create a rhythm and flow in writing. This technique is often used to convey a message or idea in a compelling way, making it more memorable and impactful to the reader.

Examples of Parallel Sentences

1. "She likes hiking, swimming, and mountain climbing."

This sentence is an example of parallelism in the form of a series of activities. By using the same grammatical structure for each activity, the sentence creates a smooth and rhythmic flow. This technique makes the sentence more engaging and memorable.

2. "His ambition is to excel at work, to be a great father, and to love his wife unconditionally."

In this sentence, the parallelism is shown in the form of a list of goals. The use of the same grammatical pattern for each goal makes them all equally important and emphasizes the individual's determination to succeed in all aspects of life.

3. "She looks like a goddess, walks like a queen, and talks like an angel."

This sentence uses parallelism to describe a person, highlighting her beauty, grace, and charm. By using the same structure for each characteristic, the sentence creates a harmonious and memorable portrayal of the person.

How to Use Parallel Sentences in Your Writing

Parallel sentences can elevate your writing to a whole new level. They can make your words more powerful, engaging, and memorable. To use parallelism in your writing, consider the following tips:

1. Think in terms of patterns. When writing a sentence, think about how you can repeat the same grammatical pattern to create a rhythm and flow.

2. Use the same elements. When creating a list, use the same elements in each item to emphasize their importance and create balance.

3. Vary the length. While parallelism involves repetition, it is also important to vary the length of the sentences to keep the reader engaged.

4. Use parallelism sparingly. While parallelism is a great technique to use, do not overuse it as it can become monotonous and lose its impact.

In conclusion, parallelism is a powerful writing technique that can help make your words more engaging and memorable. When used effectively, parallel sentences can elevate your writing to a whole new level. So, think in patterns, use the same elements, vary the length, and use it sparingly to create a masterpiece with words.


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