
zydadmin2024-04-17  32

Asking about the weather: A Guide to Basic Weather-Related English Phrases

Small talk about the weather is a popular topic of conversation in many cultures around the world. Whether you’re traveling to a new country, chatting with friends or looking to improve your English, it’s always a good idea to know a few key phrases to ask about the weather. Here are some simple English expressions you can use to start a conversation about the weather:

“What’s the weather like?”

This is the most common way of asking about the weather. You can use it in any situation: with strangers, friends or family members. It’s a simple and direct question that usually gets a quick response.

“How’s the weather today?”

This is another common expression that you can use to ask about the weather. This one is a bit more formal than the previous one, but it’s still a very polite question that you can use with anyone.

“Is it raining outside?”

This question is specific to rain. If you see clouds in the sky and want to know if it’s raining, this is the question to ask. It’s straightforward and easy to use.

“Is it chilly outside?”

If you’re feeling cold and want to know if you need to wear a coat, this is the question to ask. “Chilly” means cold, but not freezing. It’s a good question to ask in the fall or spring, when the temperature is cooler.

“Is it hot today?”

When the temperature is warm, you can use this question to ask if it’s a hot day. It’s a simple and direct question that gets right to the point.

“What’s the temperature outside?”

If you want to know the exact temperature, this is the question to ask. It’s a more technical and specific question, but it’s still easy to use in any situation.

In Conclusion

Asking about the weather is a great way to start a conversation in English. These basic phrases will help you communicate effectively and get the information you need. Whether you’re traveling abroad or chatting with friends, these phrases are easy to use and can help you make small talk about the weather.


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