
zydadmin2024-04-17  29

English Oral Level 2 Must-Know Sentences

If you’re planning to take the English Oral Level 2 exam, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the must-know sentences for this level. Here are some examples of sentences that you should be able to use in various situations:

Expressing Opinions

In English Oral Level 2, you should be able to express your opinions and thoughts on various topics. Here are some must-know sentences for expressing opinions:

- Personally, I believe that…

- In my experience/ opinion…

- I think/ feel/ believe that…

- As far as I’m concerned…

- From my point of view…

Making Suggestions

Another important aspect of English Oral Level 2 is being able to make suggestions. Here are some sentences you can use:

- Why don’t we…?

- Have you considered…?

- Perhaps we could…

- I suggest that we…

- What if we tried…?

Asking for Clarification

In case you didn’t understand or missed something, you should be able to ask for clarification. Here are some must-know sentences:

- I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that. Could you please repeat it?

- Could you please explain that again?

- I don’t quite understand. Can you elaborate?

- I’m not following. Could you clarify for me?

- Pardon me, could you speak a bit more slowly?

Talking About Experiences

You should also be able to talk about your own experiences and past events. Here are some sentences to help you express yourself:

- Once, I…

- In the past, I used to…

- I remember when…

- When I was younger/ older…

- The most memorable experience I’ve had was…


By knowing these must-know sentences, you can increase your chances of passing the English Oral Level 2 exam. Practice using the sentences in various situations until you are confident in your ability to speak fluently and naturally.


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