
zydadmin2024-04-17  32

English Seven Basic sentence patterns and examples

There are seven basic sentence patterns in English grammar. A sentence pattern is the order of the parts of a sentence that tells us what role each part plays in the sentence. Understanding these patterns will help you write more effective and varied sentences.

Pattern 1: Subject Verb (S-V)

This is the most basic sentence pattern in English. It consists of a subject (noun or pronoun) and a verb. The subject is the main topic of the sentence, and the verb expresses an action or state of being.

Example: John runs.

Pattern 2: Subject Verb Object (S-V-O)

This pattern consists of a subject, a verb, and an object. The subject performs the action, and the object receives the action.

Example: Mary ate an apple.

Pattern 3: Subject Verb Complement (S-V-C)

This pattern consists of a subject, a verb, and a complement, which can be an adjective or a noun. The complement describes or renames the subject.

Example: Tom is happy.

Pattern 4: Subject Verb Indirect Object Direct Object (S-V-IO-DO)

This pattern consists of a subject, a verb, an indirect object, and a direct object. The indirect object receives the action indirectly, and the direct object receives the action directly.

Example: Sally gave her sister a present.

Pattern 5: Subject Linking Verb Predicate Noun (S-LV-PN)

This pattern consists of a subject, a linking verb, and a predicate noun, which renames or describes the subject.

Example: The book is a mystery.

Pattern 6: Subject Linking Verb Predicate Adjective (S-LV-PA)

This pattern consists of a subject, a linking verb, and a predicate adjective, which describes the subject.

Example: The soup is delicious.

Pattern 7: Subject Verb Object Adverbial (S-V-O-Adv)

This pattern consists of a subject, a verb, an object, and an adverbial, which modifies the verb, adjective, or adverb.

Example: The bird sings beautifully.

In conclusion, understanding and using these seven basic sentence patterns can help you write more effectively and create a variety of sentence structures. Practice using them in your own writing to improve your English language skills.


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