
zydadmin2024-04-17  24

Parallelism in English Writing: Structure and Classification

Parallelism is one of the key strategies for improving the clarity and effectiveness of English writing. It refers to the use of similar grammatical structures in parallel phrases, clauses, or sentences to create a balanced and rhythmic effect. In this article, we will explore the different types of parallel structures in English writing.

Parallelism in Phrases

Parallelism in phrases involves the repetition of similar grammatical elements in a series of phrases. For example, "She likes swimming, biking, and hiking." Here, all three elements share the same grammatical structure: a gerund (-ing form) followed by a direct object. This repetition creates a sense of balance and cohesion in the sentence.

Parallelism in Clauses

Parallelism in clauses involves the repetition of similar grammatical structures in a series of clauses. For example, "She not only runs marathons but also climbs mountains." Here, both clauses have the same structure: subject verb object adverb/preposition phrase. This parallelism helps to emphasize the contrast between the two activities.

Parallelism in Sentences

Parallelism in sentences involves the repetition of similar grammatical structures in a series of sentences. For example, "She runs every day. She bikes every weekend. She hikes every month." Here, all three sentences have the same subject-verb-object structure, creating a sense of rhythm and continuity.

Parallelism with Correlative Conjunctions

Parallelism can also be achieved with correlative conjunctions, which are pairs of conjunctions that work together to create parallel structures. For example, "Either you study hard or you fail. Neither John nor Sarah likes math." Here, the first sentence has the structure of either/or followed by parallel clauses, while the second sentence has the structure of neither/nor followed by parallel subjects and verbs.

Parallelism with Lists

Parallelism can also be achieved with lists, in which a series of items are introduced with the same grammatical structure. For example, "She bought apples, bananas, and oranges." Here, all three items share the same structure of noun comma noun, creating a sense of balance and order.


In conclusion, parallelism is a powerful tool for improving the clarity and impact of English writing. By using similar grammatical structures in phrases, clauses, and sentences, writers can create a sense of balance, rhythm, and cohesion that enhances the reader's understanding and engagement. With practice and attention to detail, anyone can learn to master the art of parallel writing and take their writing to the next level.


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