
zydadmin2024-04-17  30

Is English Liulishuo really helpful for your interview?

English Liulishuo, or commonly known as Liulishuo, is an English learning app that claims to enhance language skills. However, the app is also popular for its interview course. Many job seekers believe that it is helpful for their job interviews. In this article, we will discuss if English Liulishuo is really helpful for your interview.

The pros of using English Liulishuo for interview preparation

Firstly, English Liulishuo provides a variety of mock interview scenarios. It includes different job positions, industries, and types of interviews. With these mock interviews, you can practice your responses to common interview questions. You can also learn how to handle difficult questions, such as those about salary expectations and gaps in your job history.

Secondly, English Liulishuo offers personalized feedback. After each mock interview, you will receive feedback from a real person. They will provide suggestions on your grammar, pronunciation, and presentation skills. You can also receive feedback on your content and how it relates to the job you are applying for. This feedback can be very valuable for improving your interview skills.

The cons of using English Liulishuo for interview preparation

However, there are also downsides to using English Liulishuo for interview preparation. Firstly, the app only provides mock interviews in English. If you are interviewing with a company in your native language, the mock interviews may not prepare you for the actual interview. Additionally, some companies may expect you to be able to communicate effectively in their native language.

Secondly, the personalized feedback may not always be accurate. While the feedback is provided by real people, they may have different opinions on what is considered good interview etiquette and content. Furthermore, some feedback may be too general and not specific enough to help you improve. It is important to take the feedback with a grain of salt and also seek advice from professionals in your field.


In conclusion, English Liulishuo can be helpful for your interview preparation. The mock interviews and personalized feedback can improve your English skills and prepare you for common interview questions. However, it is important to keep in mind that the app may not provide a complete preparation for your particular job interview. Additionally, it is important to combine the app with other preparation methods, such as researching the company and industry, and seeking advice from professionals in your field.


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