
zydadmin2024-04-17  26

Good Words and Phrases from Extracurricular English Books

Reading extracurricular English books not only helps improve language proficiency but also enriches vocabulary and provides a great resource for good words and phrases. In this article, we will explore some of the best words and phrases from a few popular English books.

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

The Alchemist is a bestselling novel that tells the story of a shepherd boy named Santiago who sets out on a journey to pursue his personal legend. Here are some good words and phrases from the book:

"Personal legend" – your life's purpose or what you are meant to achieve.

"Omen" – a sign or symbol that predicts the future.

"Maktub" – an Arabic word that means "it is written" and signifies that everything that happens is already predetermined.

"Soul of the world" - the universal force that connects all things.

"Language of the universe" - the signs and symbols that the universe presents to guide us towards our destiny.

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

The Great Gatsby is a classic American novel set in the Jazz Age that explores the themes of love, wealth, and corruption. Here are some good words and phrases from the book:

"Old sport" – a term used by a character named Jay Gatsby to address his friends.

"Green light" – a symbol of hope and the pursuit of dreams.

"Roaring twenties" – a term used to describe the period in American history characterized by jazz, speakeasies, and flapper culture.

"Facade" – an outward appearance that conceals a less pleasant reality.

"Careless people" – a phrase used to describe those who recklessly pursue their own desires without regard for the consequences.

The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger

The Catcher in the Rye is a novel that follows the thoughts and experiences of a teenage boy named Holden Caulfield. Here are some good words and phrases from the book:

"Phony" – a term used to describe those who are insincere or fake.

"Catcher in the rye" – a symbol of Holden's desire to protect innocence and prevent the negative influence of adulthood.

"Madman" – a term Holden uses to describe those who don't conform to society's expectations.

"Existential crisis" – a period of questioning one's purpose or identity.

"Pessimistic" – having a negative outlook on life or events.


Reading extracurricular English books not only provides an escape from reality but also helps expand vocabulary and introduces us to new concepts. By learning good words and phrases, we can improve our communication skills and add depth to our writing. So, make sure to hit the library and choose a book that speaks to you!


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