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Understanding the Difference between Adjectives and Object Complements in English

In English, adjectives and object complements are two types of words that are commonly used to provide additional information about a subject or object in a sentence. While they may seem similar at first glance, there are distinct differences between the two that are important to understand in order to use them effectively in writing and speech.

What are Adjectives?

Adjectives are words used to describe or modify a noun or pronoun. They are usually placed before the noun they are modifying and answer questions such as "what kind?", "which one?", "how many?", or "how much?". For example, in the sentence "The red apple was delicious", the word "red" is an adjective modifying the noun "apple".

What are Object Complements?

Object complements, on the other hand, are words or phrases that follow a direct object and provide additional information about it. They can be used to describe the direct object or indicate its identity. For example, in the sentence "She made him her assistant", the phrase "her assistant" is the object complement, providing additional information about the direct object "him".

Distinguishing between Adjectives and Object Complements

One way to distinguish between adjectives and object compliments is to look at the function they serve in a sentence. Adjectives modify nouns or pronouns, while object complements provide additional information about the direct object.

Another way to differentiate between the two is to determine whether the word or phrase is essential or non-essential to the meaning of the sentence. Adjectives are non-essential and can usually be removed without affecting the basic meaning of the sentence. On the other hand, object complements are essential to the sentence and cannot be removed without changing the meaning. For example, in the sentence "She made him her assistant", the phrase "her assistant" is essential to the meaning of the sentence and cannot be removed.

Examples of Adjectives and Object Complements

Below are some examples to help illustrate the difference between adjectives and object complements:

Adjective: The tall building was impressive.

Object Complement: They elected her president of the company.

Adjective: The young boy was excited to meet Santa.

Object Complement: We named our baby girl Emily.

Adjective: The delicious cake was gone in minutes.

Object Complement: They made her captain of the team.


Understanding the difference between adjectives and object complements is important for clear and effective communication in English. Adjectives modify nouns or pronouns, while object complements provide additional information about the direct object. Differentiating between the two can be done by looking at their function in a sentence and determining their importance to the meaning of the sentence.


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