
zydadmin2024-04-24  40

He Won't Move Me

Emotionally detached, he stands there, unmoved by my tears, unswayed by my pleas. His indifference cuts deeper than any blade, leaving me alone in a sea of despair.

Empty Promises

His words, once sweet promises of forever, now echo hollow in the emptiness of our shattered dreams. Each vow broken, each hope dashed, leaving behind only echoes of what could have been.

A Heart of Stone

His heart, encased in layers of ice, remains impervious to the warmth of my love. No amount of affection can thaw the frost that surrounds him, leaving me to wither in the chill of his indifference.

Lost in Silence

Our conversations, once filled with laughter and intimacy, now drown in the silence that hangs heavy between us. Words left unspoken, feelings left unsaid, leaving our connection severed, lost in the void.

Forgotten Affections

My gestures of love, once met with reciprocity, now fall upon deaf ears and closed eyes. His affection, once freely given, now withheld, leaving me to wonder what I did to deserve such neglect.

Aching Loneliness

In his presence, I am consumed by a loneliness that cuts deeper than any solitude. Surrounded by his apathy, I find myself longing for a connection that no longer exists, lost in the void of his indifference.

Unwanted Distance

With each passing day, the space between us widens, an unbridgeable chasm fueled by his detachment. No amount of effort can close the gap that separates us, leaving me to navigate the abyss of his indifference alone.

Fading Hope

Hope, once a beacon in the darkness of our struggles, now flickers weakly in the face of his apathy. Each day, it dims a little more, until all that remains is the bitter realization that he will never be moved by my love.


In the end, I am left to confront the harsh truth: he won't move me. His indifference, like a heavy weight upon my heart, keeps me anchored in a sea of sorrow. And so, I must find the strength to let go, to release myself from the grip of his emotional detachment, and to seek solace in the warmth of my own love.


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