EN- is a common prefix in the English language which is used to give a new meaning to the base word. The prefix EN- derives from the French language and it means "to cause to be, to provide with." This article aims to explore the most commonly used EN- prefix words in the English language along with their meanings.
Here are some of the most common English words that use the EN- prefix:
Enrage - to make someone very angry
Enlighten - to give knowledge or understanding to someone
Enslave - to make someone a slave
Enrich - to improve the quality of something
Enthrall - to captivate or charm
Encode - to convert information into code or cipher
Encompass - to surround or include completely
Endear - to make someone love or feel affection
Endow - to provide with a quality or gift
The English language also has many words that use the EN- suffix, which means "to make," "to cause to be," or "to become." Here are some examples:
Deepen - to make something deeper
Brighten - to make something brighter
Lengthen - to make something longer
Strengthen - to make something stronger
Loosen - to make something less tight or firm
Thicken - to make something thicker
Widen - to make something wider
Sharpen - to make something sharper
Enlighten - to make someone more aware or understanding of something
The EN- prefix and suffix words are commonly used in everyday life. For example, when someone gets angry, they can say "you're enraging me." When someone tries to explain something to someone else, they might say "let me enlighten you." Other examples include "enslaving someone with work," "enriching one's life through travel," and "enthralled by a good book."
As for the EN- suffix words, we often use them to describe changes in physical characteristics. For example, "I need to deepen my understanding of the subject," "I need to brighten up my living room," or "I need to lengthen the legs on this chair."
The prefix EN- and suffix -EN are two of the most commonly used word modifiers in the English language. Whether it's adding depth to a conversation or making something stronger, these words play an important role in our everyday communication. So next time you hear someone use an EN- word, take a moment to think about the new meaning that EN- has given the base word.