
zydadmin2024-04-25  34

Happy Birthday! 英文祝福语


For Friends(朋友)


Happy birthday to my closest friend! May your day be filled with joy and laughter.

Wishing you the happiest of birthdays, my dear friend. I’m so grateful for your friendship & all the adventures we’ve had together.

Happy birthday to someone who truly deserves a day filled with love, laughter and a lot of wonderful surprises!

To my best friend – Happy birthday! You bring so much joy to my life and I can’t imagine a world without you in it.

For Family(家人)


Happy birthday to the one who has always been there for me! Thank you for all the love and support you’ve shown me throughout the years.

Wishing you a wonderful birthday, filled with love and joy. You mean the world to me and I am grateful to have you as my [sibling/parent/grandparent/etc.].

Happy birthday to my role model and inspiration! Thank you for always being a shining example of what it means to be kind, loving and generous.

To my [brother/sister/mother/father/etc.] on their special day - Happy birthday! May your day be filled with all the wonderful things you deserve.

For Romantic Partners(恋人)


Happy birthday to the love of my life! I am so grateful to have you by my side, and can’t wait to celebrate many more birthdays together.

My love, on your special day I want you to know how much you mean to me. Happy birthday to the best partner anyone could ask for.

Wishing you a birthday filled with all the love and happiness in the world. You bring so much joy to my life and I thank the stars every day for bringing us together.

Happy birthday to my soulmate and partner in crime. Here’s to many more years of love, laughter, and adventure.



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