
zydadmin2024-04-25  30

Is Adding “-ing” the Best Way to Form the Present Participle?


One of the fundamental aspects of learning English grammar is understanding how to form the present participle. The present participle is commonly formed by adding “-ing” to the base form of the verb. However, is this the only way to form the present participle, or are there other ways to achieve the same result? In this article, we will explore the different ways of forming the present participle and discuss whether adding “-ing” is the most appropriate way.

Forming the Present Participle by Adding “-ing”

The most common way of forming the present participle is by adding “-ing” to the base form of the verb. For example, the base form of the verb “talk” becomes “talking” when “-ing” is added. This method of forming the present participle is generally accepted and widely used in English. However, some linguists argue that adding “-ing” to all verbs to form the present participle is not always appropriate.

Exceptions to Adding “-ing”

There are some exceptions to adding “-ing” to a verb to form the present participle. For example, some verbs ending in “e” drop the “e” before adding “-ing.” The verb “dive,” for instance, becomes “diving” and not “diveing.” Similarly, some verbs ending in a consonant plus “y” change the “y” to an “i” before adding “-ing.” For example, “try” becomes “trying,” and “play” becomes “playing.” These exceptions suggest that there is no strict, universal rule for forming the present participle and that different verbs require different modifications.

Other Ways to Form the Present Participle

Besides adding “-ing” to the base form of the verb, there are other ways to form the present participle. One method is by using the infinitive form of the verb with “-ing.” For instance, instead of saying “I am cooking,” one could say “I am to cook” or “I am about to cook.” Another method is by using “-en” or “-n” as the suffix, such as “shrunken” and “woven.” However, these alternative methods of forming the present participle are rare and primarily used in literary contexts.


In conclusion, while adding “-ing” is the most common way of forming the present participle, it is not the only method. There are exceptions to adding “-ing,” and alternative methods exist, although these are less widespread. Overall, understanding the different ways of forming the present participle can help you become a more proficient English speaker and writer.


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