
zydadmin2024-04-25  63

“I wrote the first book not really knowing if it was publishable or not. I was not writing with a market in mind, I was just writing for the sheer joy of writing.” - J.K. Rowling

J.K. Rowling is a household name known for her iconic book series, Harry Potter. The remarkable success of her books turned her into one of the most famous authors in the world. However, what most people don’t know is that Rowling’s success wasn’t overnight. Rowling had a challenging journey to publishing success, and she had always been writing books for the sheer joy of writing.

Rowling’s Journey to Writing Success

When Rowling began writing her first book, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, she was living on welfare as a single mother in Edinburgh, Scotland. She would write in cafes as she couldn’t afford to heat her apartment. Rowling’s inspiration came from the stories she created to entertain her daughter. Writing Harry Potter was a labor of love, and she poured herself into the process.

It took Rowling five years to complete the first book. The manuscript was rejected by twelve publishers before Bloomsbury Publishing finally accepted it. Rowling’s tenacity paid off when the book became a bestseller, eventually leading to a movie adaptation, book sequels, and more.

Writing for the Love of the Craft

Rowling wasn't writing to make money when she wrote the first Harry Potter book. She was writing because she wanted to tell a story and enjoyed the creative process. She even admitted not writing with a market in mind, which is a rare occurrence in today's profit-driven writing industry. The focus should not be on producing work to please the market; it should be on producing work that moves and inspires you.

For any writer passionate about their craft, writing for the sheer joy of it should be the primary objective. The writing process should be fulfilling and rewarding in and of itself, regardless of the outcome. The joy and pleasure of writing for its own sake then have the potential to fuel one's craft and lead to success beyond what one can imagine.


In conclusion, J.K. Rowling's journey to becoming a best-selling author is a testament to her expertise, fortitude, and perseverance. Rowling did not let thirteen rejections stop her from writing Harry Potter, and it became one of the most successful book series in the world. She never lost sight of the joy of writing and never let external factors of popularity or marketability affect her writing. Her story stands as an inspiration for aspiring writers to focus on writing for the pure enjoyment of it and to trust the process.


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