
zydadmin2024-04-26  36

当然,CFU全称为《Content and Language Integrated Learning for Chinese as a Foreign Language》。以下是你需要的文章。

Content and Language Integrated Learning for Chinese as a Foreign Language

CFU is an innovative approach to teaching Chinese as a foreign language that integrates language learning with subject content. This method goes beyond traditional language instruction by incorporating real-world topics, such as science, history, and arts, into the Chinese language curriculum. By combining language and content learning, CFU aims to provide students with a deeper understanding of the Chinese language and culture.

The Benefits of CFU

One of the key advantages of CFU is its ability to engage students in meaningful and authentic learning experiences. By using real-life content as the context for language learning, students are more motivated to acquire and use the language in context. This approach also helps students develop critical and creative thinking skills as they explore new topics and ideas in Chinese.

Furthermore, CFU promotes interdisciplinary learning, allowing students to connect language learning with other subjects. This not only enhances their language skills but also their overall academic abilities. Through CFU, students can see the relevance of Chinese language skills in various aspects of their education and future careers.

Implementing CFU in the Classroom

Integrating CFU into the classroom requires thoughtful planning and collaboration between language and content teachers. Language teachers need to work closely with subject matter experts to create curriculum materials that align with both language proficiency goals and content standards. Additionally, teachers should provide ample opportunities for authentic language use within the context of content learning.

Technology can also play a crucial role in CFU implementation, as it offers diverse resources for accessing authentic materials and interactive language practice. Multimedia tools, online databases, and communication platforms can enrich the CFU learning experience and support students in their language and content acquisition.

Assessment and Evaluation in CFU

Assessing student learning in CFU involves measuring both language proficiency and content knowledge. Traditional language assessments, such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing, should be complemented by subject-specific assessments to ensure students' understanding of the content. Teachers may use project-based assessments, oral presentations, and written assignments that integrate both language and content learning outcomes.

Formative assessments are also essential in CFU to monitor students' progress and provide timely feedback for improvement. Teachers can use a variety of assessment tools to gauge students' language and content understanding, allowing for a comprehensive evaluation of their CFU learning experience.


CFU represents a transformative approach to Chinese language education, offering significant benefits for students' language proficiency, content knowledge, and overall learning experience. By seamlessly integrating language and content learning, CFU equips students with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in a globalized world. As educators continue to seek innovative methods for teaching Chinese as a foreign language, CFU stands out as a promising and effective approach for engaging and empowering students in their language learning journey.


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