
zydadmin2024-05-05  41

Passive Voice Simple Sentences: Examples and Usage

Passive voice is an essential aspect of the English language. In this article, we will discuss its examples and usage in simple sentences. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of the passive voice and how to use it effectively.

What is Passive Voice?

Passive voice is a way of structuring sentences so that the focus is on the action being performed instead of the person or object performing that action. In a passive sentence, the subject of the sentence is receiving the action rather than performing it. For example, "The cake was baked by the chef" is a passive sentence because the cake is receiving the action of being baked rather than the chef performing the action.

Example Sentences

1. The paper was written by John.

In this sentence, the focus is on the paper being written rather than John writing it. The subject (the paper) is passively receiving the action (being written) by the object (John).

2. The flowers were picked by the children.

In this sentence, the children are not the focus of the sentence. Instead, the focus is on the flowers being picked. Once again, the subject (the flowers) is passively receiving the action (being picked) by the object (the children).

3. The car was washed by the mechanic.

Here, the car is the subject of the sentence and is passively receiving the action of being washed by the mechanic.

Usage of Passive Voice

Passive voice is commonly used in many different contexts. It is often used in scientific writing, where it is essential to maintain objectivity and avoid identifying the person or organization responsible for an action. For example, "The results were obtained using X-ray diffraction" is a passive sentence because it does not identify who obtained the results.

It can also be used in situations where the speaker wants to focus on the action rather than the person performing that action. For example, "The company was founded in 1985" is a passive sentence because it does not focus on who founded the company.

Furthermore, passive voice can be used to avoid responsibility or blame. For example, "Mistakes were made" is a passive sentence that avoids identifying who made the mistakes.

However, it is essential to use passive voice carefully. Overusing passive voice can make writing sound dull and lifeless. It is important to balance the use of active and passive voice to keep the writing interesting and engaging.


Learning how to use passive voice is essential in mastering the English language. It is a vital tool for maintaining objectivity, focusing on the action rather than the person performing it, and avoiding responsibility or blame. By balancing the use of active and passive voice, you can create engaging and interesting writing.


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