
zydadmin2024-05-07  58


As a procurement specialist, having a good command of English is essential in today’s global market. Purchasing English, a subfield within business English, refers specifically to the language used in procurement or purchasing transactions. This article will provide you with some essential purchasing English phrases to help you communicate effectively with suppliers, negotiate prices, complete orders and manage your procurement team.

Basic Purchasing English Phrases

When communicating with suppliers, it is important to use clear and concise language to avoid misunderstandings. Here are some basic purchasing English phrases to get you started:

What is your best price for this product?

Can you provide a quote for this product?

What are the payment terms?

When will this product be available?

What is the minimum order quantity?

Can you provide samples?

What is your lead time?

Negotiating Prices

Negotiating prices with suppliers is a crucial part of procurement. Here are some purchasing English phrases to help you negotiate effectively:

Is there any flexibility with the price?

We are looking for a long-term partnership. Can you offer a discount based on volume?

Are there any additional costs that we need to consider?

We appreciate the quality of your products, but the price is a little higher than what we were expecting. Can you offer a better price?

Placing Orders

When placing an order with a supplier, it is important to be clear and provide all the necessary details to avoid any misunderstandings. Here are some purchasing English phrases to use when placing an order:

We would like to confirm our order for [product] with the following specifications: [specifications].

Please provide us with a proforma invoice.

We would like to request a delivery date of [date].

We would like to place a rush order. Can you expedite the delivery?

Managing Your Procurement Team

Effective communication is also crucial when managing your procurement team. Here are some purchasing English phrases to help you communicate effectively:

What is the status of the current order?

Can you provide an update on the delivery date?

We need to revise our procurement strategy. Can we schedule a meeting to discuss?

We need to prioritize this order. Can you expedite the procurement process?


Being able to communicate effectively in purchasing English is essential for all procurement professionals. By mastering these essential phrases, you will be able to negotiate effectively, place orders accurately and manage your procurement team successfully. Remember, clear and concise communication is key!


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