
zydadmin2024-05-07  39


As a frequent traveler, it's important to understand the terminology and vocabulary related to immigration, customs, and border control. In this article, we'll explore the English terms and expressions used to describe the process of entering and exiting a country.

Entering a Country (Immigration)

The process of entering a country is commonly referred to as "immigration" or "passing through customs". At the airport or other port of entry, travelers are required to present a passport and can be subject to additional screenings. An immigration officer will stamp the passport, indicating the date and location of entry. The term for this action is "clearing immigration". Documents such as visas or work permits may also be required, depending on the country and purpose of your visit.

When a traveler enters the United States, they must complete a Form I-94, which records their arrival and departure dates. This document also lists the traveler's visa status and length of stay permitted in the country. Upon arrival, the traveler receives an admission stamp in their passport indicating their status. This process is commonly referred to as "entering the US" or "clearing immigration in the US".

Exiting a Country (Customs and Border Control)

The process of exiting a country is commonly referred to as "customs and border control" or "clearing customs". At the airport or other port of exit, travelers may be required to present their passport and undergo additional security screenings. An officer will verify that the traveler has permission to leave the country and that they are not carrying any prohibited items.

In the United States, the process of exiting the country involves "clearing customs". Travelers must fill out a declaration form, listing any goods they are bringing out of the country. Customs officers may inspect bags, luggage, and other items to ensure that travelers are not attempting to export prohibited items or smuggle goods out of the country.

Once a traveler has completed the clearance process and has board their flight or left the port of exit, they are considered to have "exited the country".


Understanding the terminology and vocabulary associated with entering and exiting a country is an important part of international travel. Whether you're visiting for business or pleasure, it's essential to be aware of the requirements and processes involved in immigration and customs control. By familiarizing yourself with the various terms and expressions used in this context, you can ensure a smooth and stress-free travel experience.


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