
zydadmin2024-05-07  36

How to Say "终身的" in English

As a writer or speaker, you may want to convey the concept of "终身的" in English. This Chinese phrase generally means "lifetime" or "for the rest of one's life." Thankfully, there are several ways to express this in English, depending on the context and tone of your content.

Using "Lifetime" or "Lifelong"

The most straightforward translation of "终身的" is "lifetime" or "lifelong." For example:

"He received a lifetime achievement award for his contributions to music."

"She had a lifelong interest in astronomy, and even named her cats after constellations."

"Lifetime" generally refers to a period of time that lasts until death, which can carry a serious or formal tone. "Lifelong" typically emphasizes the continuity or consistency of a habit, interest, or condition, and may come across as more casual or personal. For a more poetic or elevated tone, you can use "eternal" or "everlasting," although these terms may imply a spiritual or religious connotation.

Using "Forever" or "Always"

If you want to emphasize the permanence or unchanging nature of something, you can use "forever" or "always." These words suggest a sense of timelessness or constancy that can apply to a wide range of situations, from love to memories. For instance:

"The couple vowed to love each other forever, even through sickness and health."

"I will always remember the day we first met, and how we laughed and cried together."

"Forever" and "always" can also be used in more pragmatic or practical contexts, such as contracts or policies, where they indicate a duration that is not subject to change or termination. However, be aware that using these words in a casual or ironic way may sound insincere or sarcastic.

Using Time Expressions

If you do not want to use a specific word to convey "终身的," you can express the same idea by using time expressions that indicate a long or unspecified duration. For example:

"He worked tirelessly for years to build his business from scratch."

"She devoted much of her life to helping others, without expecting anything in return."

The advantage of using time expressions is that they can be more flexible or nuanced than single words, and can convey a sense of progression, challenge, or sacrifice. On the other hand, they may require more context or explanation to clarify their meaning.


Overall, there are many ways to say "终身的" in English, depending on the context, tone, and purpose of your writing or speaking. The key is to choose expressions that capture the essence of the original phrase, and that resonate with your audience. Whether you use a single word or a phrase, make sure it fits naturally with the rest of your content, and that it conveys the message you intend.


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