
zydadmin2024-05-08  33

What is the English Word for "毛衣"?

If you're studying Chinese, you may have learned the word "毛衣" (máo yī) which means "sweater." But have you ever wondered what the English equivalent of this word is? As a beginner in English, you may not be familiar with this type of clothing terminology yet. In this article, we'll explore the word for "毛衣" in English, and some helpful tips for expanding your English vocabulary.

The English Word for "毛衣"

The English word for "毛衣" is "sweater." This word describes a knitted item of clothing that is worn on the upper body. Sweaters come in various designs and shapes, including pullovers, cardigans, and turtlenecks. They are usually made from wool or synthetic fibers, and are often worn as a layering garment to keep warm in cold weather.

Expanding Your English Clothing Vocabulary

If you're interested in learning more about English clothing terminology, here are some helpful tips:

Watch English movies or TV shows that feature fashion or clothing. This can help you pick up new words and phrases related to clothing, such as "dress," "jacket," and "pants."

Read online fashion magazines or websites in English. These resources often include descriptions and photos of clothing items, which can help you learn new vocabulary words.

Practice using new vocabulary words in context. When you learn a new word, try to use it in a sentence. This can help you better remember the word and cement it in your vocabulary.


In conclusion, the English word for "毛衣" is "sweater." If you're looking to expand your English vocabulary related to clothing, there are several effective ways to do so. By watching English media, reading fashion resources, and practicing new words in context, you can increase your fluency and confidence in communicating about clothing in English.


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