
zydadmin2024-05-08  55

The Different Names for "Kettle" in English-Speaking Countries

Water boilers or heating pots are used all around the world in different forms. However, in most English-speaking countries, this kitchen appliance is referred to as a 'kettle'. Although, did you know that not all English speakers use this term? Here are some of the other names of a "kettle" in various English-speaking countries.

Electric Jug

In New Zealand, Australia, and parts of the United Kingdom, a kettle is referred to as an electric jug or simply a jug. This is because a kettle's shape resembles that of a traditional water jug. This term has become less common over the years, as electric kettles have become more popular, and the term "kettle" has become the norm.


In parts of Ireland and Scotland, a kettle is known as a "boiler." This name is actually more descriptive of what a kettle does - it boils water. This term may also be heard in parts of the United States with a significant Scottish and Irish heritage.

Tea Urn

In the United Kingdom, a "tea urn" is a larger vessel used for brewing large amounts of tea, often for catering purposes. However, in some areas of England, a standard kettle may also be referred to as a "tea urn."


In Russia and other countries with a significant Russian-speaking population, a water boiler is known as a samovar, which means "self-boiler." Samovars are typically made from metal and come with a chimney; they are also often used for brewing tea.


So, there you have it - a few different names for a "kettle" in various English-speaking countries. Regardless of what you call it, this kitchen appliance is still an essential item everywhere in the world for making tea, coffee, and other hot beverages.


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