
zydadmin2024-05-09  46


When dining at a restaurant, it's important to know how to ask for the bill or check and how to pay it. This is not only essential for international travelers but for anyone who frequents eating establishments. In this article, we will discuss how to ask for the check and pay the bill in English.

Asking for the Bill

The most common way to ask for the bill is to say, "Can we have the check, please?" or "Could you bring us the bill, please?" Most servers will understand these phrases and promptly bring you the check. If you want to be more informal, you can say, "Can we get the check, please?" or "Check, please?".

Paying the Bill

When you receive the bill, you have a few options for paying, including cash, credit/debit card, or mobile payment services. If paying by cash, make sure you have enough to cover the total amount of the bill, including tax and tip. If paying by card, hand the card to the server and let them know you want to pay by card. Don't forget to sign the receipt and add a tip if desired.


In the United States, it is customary to leave a tip for your server. The general guideline for tipping is 15-20% of the total bill. However, if the service was exceptional, you can leave a larger tip. If the service was poor, you can leave a smaller tip or no tip at all, but be sure to communicate any issues with the server or restaurant manager.


Asking for the bill and paying it may seem like a small aspect of dining out, but it's an important part of the experience. Knowing how to do it correctly and comfortably can make the entire process more enjoyable. With these tips, you can confidently ask for the check and pay the bill in English, no matter where you are dining.


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