
zydadmin2022-05-01  76





北山白云里, 隐者自怡悦。

相望始登高, 心随雁飞灭。

愁因薄暮起, 兴是清秋发。

时见归村人, 沙行渡头歇。

天边树若荠, 江畔洲如月。

何当载酒来, 共醉重阳节。

on climbing orchid mountain in the autumn to zhang

meng haoran

on a northern peak among white clouds

you have found your hermitage of peace;

and now, as i climb this mountain to see you,

high with the wildgeese flies my heart.

the quiet dusk might seem a little sad

if this autumn weather were not so brisk and clear;

i look down at the river bank, with homeward-bound villagers

resting on the sand till the ferry returns;

there are trees at the horizon like a row of grasses

and against the river's rim an island like the moon

i hope that you will come and meet me, bringing a basket of wine --

and we'll celebrate together the mountain holiday.




塔势如涌出, 孤高耸天宫。

登临出世界, 磴道盘虚空。

突兀压神州, 峥嵘如鬼工。

四角碍白日, 七层摩苍穹。

下窥指高鸟, 俯听闻惊风。

连山若波涛, 奔凑如朝东。

青槐夹驰道, 宫馆何玲珑。

秋色从西来, 苍然满关中。

五陵北原上, 万古青蒙蒙。

净理了可悟, 胜因夙所宗。

誓将挂冠去, 觉道资无穷。

ascending the pagoda at the temple of kind

favour with gao shi and xue ju

cen can

the pagoda, rising abruptly from earth,

reaches to the very palace of heaven….

climbing, we seem to have left the world behind us,

with the steps we look down on hung from space.

it overtops a holy land

and can only have been built by toil of the spirit.

its four sides darken the bright sun,

its seven stories cut the grey clouds;

birds fly down beyond our sight,

and the rapid wind below our hearing;

mountain-ranges, toward the east,

appear to be curving and flowing like rivers;

far green locust-trees line broad roads

toward clustered palaces and mansions;

colours of autumn, out of the west,

enter advancing through the city;

and northward there lie, in five graveyards,

calm forever under dewy green grass,

those who know life's final meaning

which all humankind must learn.

…henceforth i put my official hat aside.

to find the eternal way is the only happiness.




清溪深不测, 隐处唯孤云。

松际露微月, 清光犹为君。

茅亭宿花影, 药院滋苔纹。

余亦谢时去, 西山鸾鹤群。

at wang changlin' s retreat

chang jian

here, beside a clear deep lake,

you live accompanied by clouds;

or soft through the pine the moon arrives

to be your own pure-hearted friend.

you rest under thatch in the shadow of your flowers,

your dewy herbs flourish in their bed of moss.

let me leave the world. let me alight, like you,

on your western mountain with phoenixes and cranes.




绝代有佳人, 幽居在空谷。

自云良家子, 零落依草木。

关中昔丧乱, 兄弟遭杀戮。

官高何足论, 不得收骨肉。

世情恶衰歇, 万事随转烛。

夫婿轻薄儿, 新人美如玉。

合昏尚知时, 鸳鸯不独宿。

但见新人笑, 那闻旧人哭。

在山泉水清, 出山泉水浊。

侍婢卖珠回, 牵萝补茅屋。

摘花不插发, 采柏动盈掬。

天寒翠袖薄, 日暮倚修竹。

alone in her beauty

du fu

who is lovelier than she?

yet she lives alone in an empty valley.

she tells me she came from a good family

which is humbled now into the dust.

…when trouble arose in the kuan district,

her brothers and close kin were killed.

what use were their high offices,

not even shielding their own lives? --

the world has but scorn for adversity;

hope goes out, like the light of a candle.

her husband, with a vagrant heart,

seeks a new face like a new piece of jade;

and when morning-glories furl at night

and mandarin-ducks lie side by side,

all he can see is the smile of the new love,

while the old love weeps unheard.

the brook was pure in its mountain source,

but away from the mountain its waters darken.

…waiting for her maid to come from selling pearls

for straw to cover the roof again,

she picks a few flowers, no longer for her hair,

and lets pine-needles fall through her fingers,

and, forgetting her thin silk sleeve and the cold,

she leans in the sunset by a tall bamboo.




死别已吞声, 生别常恻恻。

江南瘴疠地, 逐客无消息。

故人入我梦, 明我长相忆。

君今在罗网, 何以有羽翼。

恐非平生魂, 路远不可测。

魂来枫林青, 魂返关塞黑。

落月满屋梁, 犹疑照颜色。

水深波浪阔, 无使蛟龙得。

seeing li bai in a dream( i )

du fu

there are sobs when death is the cause of parting;

but life has its partings again and again.

…from the poisonous damps of the southern river

you had sent me not one sign from your exile --

till you came to me last night in a dream,

because i am always thinking of you.

i wondered if it were really you,

venturing so long a journey.

you came to me through the green of a forest,

you disappeared by a shadowy fortress….

yet out of the midmost mesh of your snare,

how could you lift your wings and use them?

…i woke, and the low moon's glimmer on a rafter

seemed to be your face, still floating in the air.

…there were waters to cross, they were wild and tossing;

if you fell, there were dragons and rivermonsters.



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