
zydadmin2024-05-28  74

What is “Shaking English” and How to Write it

If you have ever watched a teenager’s conversation on social media or seen a millennial’s tweet, you might have felt confused with the language used. It seems like some words have been abbreviated, phrases have been shortened, and grammar has been thrown out the window! Out of all such writing-style trends, one stands out - the shakiness of English.

What is Shaking English?

Shaking English is a writing style in which the author purposefully misuses words and grammar. It could include replacing a “g” with a “k”, shortening phrases, using emojis, and the like. The idea behind it is to 'have fun' while writing and to make the writing seem more casual and relatable to a younger audience.

How to Write Shaking English?

Shaking English is not a style that everyone can master. However, if you are a creative writer looking to attract a younger audience, then here are some tips you can follow to write a shaking English piece:

Abbreviate words - For instance, write "u" instead of "you", "k" instead of "okay".

Change up the spelling - Try using "2" instead of "to" or "too".

Add emojis - These add personality to your text and help express emotions in a creative way.

Use hashtags - This is an excellent way to group your content together if you want to build a brand or project a specific image.

Why Use Shaking English?

Shaking English is a great way to make your writing more casual and relatable, especially if your target audience is younger. It will help you connect with them on a personal level and can help build brand loyalty. It is also a great way to create a unique voice in your writing, which can distinguish you from other writers in your niche.


Shaking English -- or any other writing style takes a lot of effort and thought to perfect. Shaking English may not be suitable for every audience or genre, but it is certainly a great way to connect with the younger crowd.

All in all, shaking English is just another tool that writers can add to their arsenal of writing techniques. If you are looking to experiment with shaking English, start small, use it sparingly, and watch how your audience connects with it.


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