
zydadmin2024-05-28  32


Cinderella, the beloved fairy tale, has captured the hearts of audiences worldwide for decades. The story follows the life of a young girl who overcomes adversity, cruelty, and hardship to find love and live happily ever after. But what really makes this tale a timeless classic are the beautiful words and phrases used to tell the story. Here are some of the best quotes from Cinderella, in their original English version.

"Have Courage and Be Kind"

This quote, spoken by Cinderella's late mother, is the cornerstone of the story. It emphasizes the importance of being kind to others, even when facing difficult situations. Through kindness, Cinderella is able to win the hearts of those around her, including the Prince. This quote is a powerful reminder that no matter the circumstances, there is always strength to be found in kindness.

"A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes"

Another iconic line from Cinderella, this quote emphasizes the importance of having dreams and goals. It reminds us that no matter what obstacles we may face, we should never stop dreaming. By pursuing our dreams, we can find happiness and fulfillment in life. This quote is particularly inspiring because it reminds us that the first step to achieving our dreams is to simply believe in them.

"Where There is Kindness, There is Goodness"

This quote, spoken by the Fairy Godmother, reinforces the idea that kindness is the key to happiness and success. It suggests that when we are kind to others, we also attract kindness and goodness into our lives. By showing kindness and love, we can spread positivity and create a better world for everyone.

"If You Keep on Believing, Your Wish Will Come True"

This quote, spoken by Cinderella's Fairy Godmother, is a powerful reminder of the importance of perseverance. It encourages us to keep striving for our goals even when things seem bleak. By believing in ourselves and our dreams, we can overcome any obstacle and achieve success.

"No Matter How Your Heart is Grieving, If You Keep on Believing, the Dream That You Wish Will Come True"

This quote is a variation of the previous quote, but it emphasizes the importance of resilience and hope during difficult times. It reminds us that even when we face heartbreak and grief, we should never stop believing in our dreams. With persistent effort and determination, we can turn our dreams into reality.

In conclusion, Cinderella is not only a beloved fairy tale but also a source of inspiration and motivation for many. The words and phrases used in the story are timeless and offer valuable lessons about kindness, perseverance, and the power of dreams. These quotes have stood the test of time and continue to inspire generations of people around the world.


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