
zydadmin2024-06-03  38



1. Affirmative: Subject will have been verb ing

E.g. By this time next year, I will have been working at this company for 10 years.

这句话中,will代表将来,have been代表完成进行,verb ing代表具体的动作。

2. Negative: Subject will not have been verb ing

E.g. By the time you arrive, we will not have been waiting for long.

这句话中,will not代表否定形式,其他部分与第一句话相同。

3. Interrogative: Will subject have been verb ing?

E.g. Will you have been studying for your exam for four hours by the time I come over?

这句话中,Will subject代表疑问的形式,其他部分同上。

4. Affirmative: Subject will have past participle been verb ing

E.g. By the end of next week, he will have been sleeping in his new apartment for two months.

这句话中,have代表完成的形式,past participle代表过去分词的形式,其他部分同上。

5. Negative: Subject will not have past participle been verb ing

E.g. By the time we get there, they will not have been renovating the building for very long.


6. Interrogative: Will subject have past participle been verb ing?

E.g. Will they have been hiking in the mountains for three days by the time we reach the cabin?


7. Affirmative: Subject will have been being past participle

E.g. By the time you arrive, the house will have been being cleaned for two hours.


8. Negative: Subject will not have been being past participle

E.g. By the time the party starts, the decorations will not have been being set up for very long.


9. Interrogative: Will subject have been being past participle?

E.g. Will they have been being interviewed for two hours by the time we finish our presentation?


10. Affirmative: Subject will have been being verb ing

E.g. By this time tomorrow, we will have been being entertained by the live band for two hours.


11. Negative: Subject will not have been being verb ing

E.g. By the time we leave, the actors will not have been being rehearsed for very long.


12. Interrogative: Will subject have been being verb ing?

E.g. Will the guests have been being served drinks for an hour by the time the party starts?


13. Affirmative: Subject will have been being past participle

E.g. By the time the shipment arrives, the products will have been being manufactured for two weeks.


14. Negative: Subject will not have been being past participle

E.g. By the time the concert starts, the sound system will not have been being tested for very long.


15. Interrogative: Will subject have been being past participle?

E.g. Will the athletes have been being trained by their coach for six months by the time the competition starts?


16. Affirmative: Subject will have been being verb ing

E.g. By this time next year, they will have been being married for five years.




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