
zydadmin2024-06-03  49

The Future Perfect Progressive

The Future Perfect Progressive is a tense that is used to talk about an action that will have been ongoing at a certain point in the future. In this article, we will explore the features of this tense and give examples for its usage.


The Future Perfect Progressive is formed with the auxiliary verb "will" in the future tense, followed by "have been" in the present perfect tense and the main verb in the present participle tense (ending with -ing).

The structure of the Future Perfect Progressive is as follows:

Subject will have been verb ing


- By this time next year, I will have been studying English for five years.

- In twenty years, she will have been living in Japan for thirty years.

- By the end of the month, we will have been working on this project for six months.


The Future Perfect Progressive is often used to talk about an action that is currently ongoing and will continue into the future until a certain point in time. It emphasizes the duration and continuity of the action.


- By the time she retires, she will have been working for this company for thirty years.

- In ten years, he will have been coaching this team for twenty years.

- By the time they finish their training, they will have been practicing this skill for three months.

Additionally, it can also be used to speculate about a future event that is assumed to happen, based on the ongoing action.


- By next year, they will have been saving for a down payment on their house for two years, so they should be able to afford it.

- The project will be finished by the end of the month. By then, we will have been working on it for six months.

- By the time they graduate, they will have been studying for their degree for four years, and they will be ready for the workforce.


The Future Perfect Progressive is a versatile tense that can be used to talk about ongoing actions that will continue into the future until a certain point in time. It emphasizes the duration and continuity of the action and can also be used to speculate about future events. Mastering the Future Perfect Progressive will help you to communicate more effectively and accurately when talking about future actions.


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