
zydadmin2024-06-05  59

You are my forever love – 你是我的永恒之爱

Love is an eternal feeling, and you are the person who has taught me the true meaning of it. You are not just my lover, but also my best friend, my confidant, and my soulmate. I cannot imagine a single day without you by my side. You complete me in every way and I am forever grateful for your love. You are my forever love.


Your smile is my sunshine – 你的微笑是我的阳光

Your smile lights up my world and adds color to my life. Every time I see you smile, I feel warmer, happier, and more contented. Your beautiful smile is like a ray of sunshine that brightens up my day and chases away all the gloom and negativity. You are the source of my happiness and my eternal sunshine.


I want to grow old with you – 我想和你一起变老

I have found my forever love in you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to share everything with you – from our joys and triumphs to our sorrows and challenges. I want to be there for you always, to support you, to encourage you, and to be your partner in life. I want to grow old with you, hand in hand, and continue to love you until the end of time.


You complete me – 你让我完整

I used to feel incomplete and empty before I met you. But you came into my life like a breath of fresh air and made everything better. You complement me in ways that I never thought possible. You fill the void in my heart and fill my life with love, happiness, and purpose. You complete me, and I cannot imagine my life without you.



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