
zydadmin2024-06-05  82

The Classic Quotes of The Thorn Birds

The Thorn Birds is a novel written by Australian author Colleen McCullough, which was published in 1977. It tells the story of the Cleary family living on a sheep station called Drogheda in the Australian Outback, and their interactions with a Catholic priest named Father Ralph de Bricassart. This novel has sold more than 30 million copies worldwide and has been adapted into a successful television series, making it a classic in modern literature. Here are some of the most famous quotes from The Thorn Birds:

"There is a legend about a bird which sings just once in its life, more sweetly than any other creature on the face of the earth. From the moment it leaves the nest it searches for a thorn tree, and does not rest until it has found one. Then, singing among the savage branches, it impales itself upon the longest, sharpest spine. And, dying, it rises above its own agony to out-carol the lark and the nightingale. One superlative song, existence the price. But the whole world stills to listen, and God in His heaven smiles. For the best is only bought at the cost of great pain."

This quote comes from the beginning of The Thorn Birds, and it sets the tone for the novel. It describes the legend of a thorn bird, which is a metaphor for the character of Father Ralph de Bricassart. Just like the bird, Ralph sacrifices everything for his love, Meggie, and becomes a priest to hide his true feelings. This quote shows how the best things in life come at a great cost.

“I have prayed to the gods of most religions...I have prayed to Mary, the mother of God...But I have received no answer that would convince both my heart and my mind, Ralph. Father, I have to make a choice, and I cannot make it with the beliefs that I have now. I cannot!”

This quote is spoken by Meggie, who is the main character of The Thorn Birds. It shows her struggle with her faith and her attraction to Father Ralph. She expresses her frustration with the lack of answers from religion, and how she ultimately has to make a choice based on her own beliefs. This quote shows the conflict between religion and personal beliefs.

“You really do know nothing about women, do you?”

This quote is spoken by Meggie to Father Ralph. It shows the difference in their understanding of women and their emotions. This quote highlights the theme of gender differences and the portrayal of women in The Thorn Birds.

"Perhaps, she thought as she lay in bed, that was love. Feeling so vulnerable, and so scared, and so awfully helpless, but having faith that there was a treasure trove of care and compassion reserved for her somewhere, and that by God she was going to keep looking and looking until she found it."

This quote is spoken by Meggie, and it shows her determination to find love, even when she feels vulnerable and helpless. This quote highlights the theme of the search for love, and the importance of perseverance in finding it.


These quotes from The Thorn Birds show the complex themes and characters of the novel. The novel explores the themes of love, sacrifice, faith, gender roles, and the search for meaning. It is a classic in modern literature and continues to be read and enjoyed by readers all over the world.


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