
zydadmin2024-06-06  56

What is the English Word for "很远"?

很远 is the Chinese phrase for "far away" or "distant." In English, there are many different words and phrases that can be used to describe distance. Some of the most common include:

Far away



Out of reach

Off in the distance

The Concept of Distance

Distance is a fundamental concept that relates to both physical and metaphorical space. In terms of physical space, distance refers to the amount of space between two objects or places, whether they are near or far apart. In a metaphorical sense, distance can refer to the emotional or interpersonal space between people, or the degree of separation between different ideas or concepts.

Measuring Distance

In order to measure distance in physical space, we use a variety of tools and units of measurement. The most common unit of measurement for distance is the meter, which is part of the metric system. Other common units of measurement include feet, miles, kilometers, and nautical miles. Tools for measuring distance include rulers, tape measures, GPS devices, and specialized surveying equipment.

The Psychological Effects of Distance

While distance may be a physical concept, it can also have important psychological implications. When we are physically distant from someone or something, we may experience feelings of loneliness, isolation, or longing. Conversely, when we are in close proximity to others, we may feel comforted and supported. Similarly, when we encounter ideas or concepts that are very different from our own, we may experience a sense of cognitive distance or dissonance that can be challenging to overcome.


Distance is a complex concept that can have both physical and psychological implications. Whether we are measuring the distance between two points, navigating emotional distance in our relationships, or grappling with the cognitive distance between different worldviews, it is important to recognize the ways in which distance shapes our experiences and understandings of the world around us.


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