
zydadmin2024-06-07  49


If you are a fan of savory Italian cuisine, then you must have tried ravioli, tortellini or agnolotti. However, did you ever hear of one of Italy's lesser-known pasta pockets? Introducing "Jiaozi," also known as Italian-style dumplings. These small packets, usually filled with a mix of meat and/or vegetables, have been popular in Italy for over a century now.

What are Jiaozi?

Jiaozi are small, Italian-style dumplings that are traditionally filled with pork, beef, seafood or vegetables. Just like Chinese dumplings, Jiaozi come in various shapes and sizes, from crescent-shaped to round. However, what distinguishes Jiaozi from Chinese dumplings is their unique seasoning and filling.

How to Make Jiaozi?

The recipe for making Jiaozi is simple, and it requires minimal effort. To make the dough, all you need is flour and water, which are kneaded together until a smooth dough is formed. The filling is made separately, and it can be anything from minced pork or beef, to a mix of vegetables and seafood, seasoned with Italian herbs and spices. Once the dough and stuffing are ready, roll them out and cut them into circles using a cutter. Then, fill each circle with the prepared filling and fold it to form a small crescent shape. You can then cook the Jiaozi either by boiling, frying, or steaming, according to your preference.

Serving Suggestions

Jiaozi make an excellent appetizer, and they can be served in various ways. A popular way to serve Jiaozi in Italy is with a seasoned tomato sauce or with a garlic-infused olive oil dip. You can also try dipping your Jiaozi into a soy sauce dip with a hint of chili oil or vinegar for an added zing.

Health Benefits of Jiaozi

Jiaozi may seem like an indulgent treat, but they also have some health benefits. Depending on the filling, Jiaozi can be a good source of protein and fiber. They are also low in fat, especially if steamed, and they can be an excellent option for people looking to reduce their calorie intake.


Jiaozi are a lesser-known but delicious option for Italian cuisine lovers. These small Italian-style dumplings are not only easy to make but also customizable according to your preference. Whether you prefer them vegetarian or containing a mix of meat and veggies, Jiaozi are sure to be a crowd-pleaser at your next dinner party. So, why not try making them for a fun, healthy, and delicious meal?


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