
zydadmin2024-06-22  40

Life is short, eat dessert first - to indulge or not to indulge?


Have you ever heard the phrase, "Life is short, eat dessert first"? While this may sound like an indulgent way of living, there may be some truth to it. As a society, we often view dessert as an unnecessary luxury, and feel guilty about indulging in it. However, there are reasons why we should consider eating dessert first, both for our mental and physical health.

Mental Health Benefits of Indulging in Dessert:

Studies have shown that indulging in dessert can actually improve our mood. Sugar triggers the release of the hormone serotonin, which is responsible for feelings of happiness and well-being. In addition, eating something sweet can provide a sense of comfort and help reduce stress and anxiety. So the next time you're feeling down, consider treating yourself to a dessert.

Physical Health Concerns:

While indulging in dessert may have some mental health benefits, it's important to remember that we still need to prioritize our physical health. Too much sugar can lead to weight gain, increased risk of diabetes and heart disease. Therefore, it's important to consume dessert in moderation, and choose healthier options when possible.

Healthy Dessert Options:

Thankfully, there are plenty of healthier dessert options available that still taste great. One option is to opt for fruit-based desserts, such as fresh fruit with yogurt or a fruit smoothie. Another option is to choose desserts made with alternative sweeteners, such as honey or maple syrup, instead of refined sugar. And remember, portion control is key – try splitting a dessert with a friend or opting for a smaller portion size.


In conclusion, while the phrase "Life is short, eat dessert first" may sound like an irresponsible way of thinking, there are mental health benefits to indulging in dessert. That being said, we still need to prioritize our physical health by consuming dessert in moderation and choosing healthier options when possible. But don't be afraid to treat yourself to something sweet every now and then – you deserve it!


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