
zydadmin2024-06-23  110



In this article, we will explore the reasons why the Chinese character "亦" is not commonly used in personal names. This character, pronounced as "yi4" in Mandarin, has a unique meaning and usage that make it less suitable for personal names. Let's delve into the reasons behind this phenomenon.

Meaning and Usage of 亦

The character "亦" has a primary meaning of "also" or "likewise." It is often used in sentences to express similarity or agreement. For example, in the sentence "他亦会弹钢琴" (He also plays the piano), the character "亦" indicates that the subject shares the same skill as someone else.

Cultural Significance

While "亦" has a clear meaning and usage, it is not commonly used in personal names due to its cultural significance. In Chinese culture, personal names hold great importance and are believed to influence a person's destiny. As a result, parents carefully select characters that have positive connotations and auspicious meanings for their children's names.

Character Evaluation

The character "亦" falls short in meeting the criteria for a desirable personal name due to its limited meaning and lack of auspicious connotations. Unlike characters such as "美" (beautiful) or "智" (wisdom), which carry positive associations, "亦" does not possess a distinct positive or desirable meaning that parents seek for their children's names.

Homophones and Ambiguity

Another reason why "亦" is not commonly used in personal names is its homophones, such as "意" (meaning) or "异" (different). These homophones can lead to confusion or ambiguity when spoken, making it less ideal for personal names. Parents often prefer characters that have unique pronunciations and are easily distinguishable in daily conversations.

Popularity and Trend

Additionally, the popularity and trends of personal names also play a role in the selection process. Certain characters may become more fashionable or trendy for a period of time, while others may fall out of favor. "亦" has not been widely adopted as a popular choice for personal names, further contributing to its rarity in this context.


In conclusion, the Chinese character "亦" is not commonly used in personal names due to its limited meaning, lack of auspicious connotations, potential for ambiguity, and its relative unpopularity compared to other characters. Parents strive to select names with positive meanings and uniqueness, thereby relegating "亦" to a less prominent role in the realm of personal names.


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