
zydadmin2024-09-17  32

The Legend of Chang'e - A Simple Introduction in English

The story of Chang'e is one of the most popular legends associated with the Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Festival, celebrated widely across East Asia, especially in China. The tale is a blend of romance, sacrifice, and the eternal longing for reunion, which resonates deeply with the festival's themes of family togetherness and the admiration of the full moon.

The Heroic Archer Houyi and His Quest

In ancient times, it was said that ten suns rose at once, scorching the earth and causing widespread suffering. Houyi, a brave archer, took up his bow and shot down nine of the suns, leaving just one to warm the earth. For this heroic act, he was greatly admired and even given a magical elixir of immortality by a grateful empress. This elixir promised everlasting life to whoever drank it.

The Sacrifice of Chang'e

Houyi had a beautiful wife named Chang'e, who loved him dearly. One day, while Houyi was away, a wicked man broke into their home, demanding the elixir of immortality. Faced with no other choice, Chang'e drank the potion herself to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands. As a result, she found herself floating upward, away from her beloved husband and toward the moon, where she remained.

The Palace on the Moon and the Jade Rabbit

On the moon, Chang'e was not alone for long. The Jade Rabbit, a compassionate creature, joined her to keep her company. It is said that during the Mid-Autumn Festival, when the moon is at its fullest and brightest, people on Earth can look up and see the silhouette of Chang'e and her companion in the lunar surface.

Celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival

To this day, during the Mid-Autumn Festival, families gather together to admire the full moon, eat mooncakes, and share the story of Chang'e. Children often hear this legend as part of their cultural heritage, learning about the values of love, sacrifice, and the enduring bond between those separated by distance but united in heart.


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