
zydadmin2024-09-17  24

About the Mid-Autumn Festival

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today, it's an honor to stand before you to share the beauty and significance of one of China's most cherished traditional festivals, the Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Festival. This time of year, when the moon is at its fullest and brightest, families gather to celebrate unity and express their wishes for prosperity and happiness.

A Time for Reunion

The essence of the Mid-Autumn Festival lies in reunion. It is a time when no matter how far we are from home, we strive to return to our loved ones' side. The full moon serves as a symbol of completeness and harmony, reflecting the Chinese belief that family bonds are among the strongest ties that bind us together. On this day, people light lanterns, play with children under the glow of the moon, and partake in delicious mooncakes, which are round like the moon, symbolizing wholeness and togetherness.

A Celebration of Nature's Bounty

Beyond its cultural significance, the festival also marks the end of the autumn harvest season. It is a moment to appreciate nature's bounty and the hard work that has brought prosperity. Farmers celebrate their harvests, and cities come alive with markets selling seasonal fruits, flowers, and traditional delicacies. The atmosphere is filled with joy and gratitude for the gifts of the earth.

A Festival Rich in Legends

The Mid-Autumn Festival is steeped in rich folklore, with tales passed down through generations. One of the most famous is the legend of Chang'e, the lunar goddess who flew to the moon. Her story, along with others such as Wu Gang chopping the cassia tree and the jade rabbit pounding medicine, adds a layer of enchantment to the festival, reminding us of the power of love and sacrifice.

Global Celebrations

While rooted deeply in Chinese culture, the spirit of the Mid-Autumn Festival transcends borders. Communities around the world with Chinese heritage celebrate this festival, making it a global event that promotes cultural exchange and understanding. In places like Chinatowns across major cities, dragon dances, lantern parades, and firework displays light up the night sky, creating a vibrant tapestry of traditions shared by many cultures.


In conclusion, the Mid-Autumn Festival is not just a celebration of the moon or a time for family gatherings; it is a celebration of the values that unite humanity – love, respect, and the appreciation of our collective heritage. As we look up at the full moon tonight, let us remember the importance of coming together and sharing the warmth of this special occasion with those around us. Thank you for listening, and I wish everyone a joyous and harmonious Mid-Autumn Festival.


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