
zydadmin2024-09-17  80

How to Say "Mid-Autumn Festival" in English

The Mid-Autumn Festival, known in English as the Mid-Autumn Festival or Moon Festival, is one of the most significant traditional festivals celebrated in China and other East Asian countries. This time of year is marked by the full moon at the midpoint of autumn, symbolizing reunion and harmony.

Origins and Traditions

The origins of the Mid-Autumn Festival can be traced back over 3,000 years to the Zhou Dynasty, although it was during the Tang Dynasty that celebrating the moon became a widespread custom. The festival is deeply rooted in Chinese mythology, with tales such as Chang'e flying to the moon being an integral part of its lore. Traditions include gathering with family, enjoying mooncakes (a type of pastry filled with sweet bean paste or lotus seed paste), lighting lanterns, and gazing at the full moon.

Celebrations Around the World

While the festival has its roots in Chinese culture, it is also celebrated in various forms across Asia. In Vietnam, for example, it is known as T?t Trung Thu, where children play a central role in the festivities. In Japan, there is Tsukimi, which focuses on moon viewing, while in Korea, Chuseok is a harvest festival that occurs around the same time. Each country has adapted the festival to fit its own cultural context, enriching the global tapestry of this celebration.

Mooncakes and Other Delights

A significant aspect of the Mid-Autumn Festival is the sharing of mooncakes. These round pastries come in various flavors and styles, often featuring intricate designs on top symbolizing prosperity and unity. Alongside mooncakes, tea drinking is common, as is preparing special meals that often include seasonal fruits and dishes. The emphasis is on bringing families together to share these delicacies.

Cultural Significance and Modern Practices

Beyond the traditional practices, the Mid-Autumn Festival has become a time for promoting cultural heritage and community engagement. Cities around the world with significant Chinese populations often host lantern parades, dragon dances, and other public events. In contemporary times, the festival also serves as a bridge connecting the younger generation to their cultural roots through educational activities and modern interpretations of ancient customs.


The Mid-Autumn Festival, known internationally by various names, stands as a testament to the enduring power of tradition and family unity. It is a time when people look up at the same moon, sharing stories and food, and strengthening bonds both within communities and across borders.


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