
zydadmin2024-09-17  67


As the Mid-Autumn Festival approaches, it's a beautiful time to reach out to your loved ones and share the warmth of this traditional Chinese festival. Here is a heartfelt message you can include in an English greeting card for your friends:

Greeting with Warmth

Dear [Friend's Name],

As the moon glows brighter and the night sky fills with lanterns, I hope this Mid-Autumn Festival brings you joy and happiness. This is a time for reunion and reflection, and I am grateful to have you as a friend.

Sharing the Tradition

The Mid-Autumn Festival is a celebration that dates back thousands of years, where families gather under the full moon to share stories, eat delicious mooncakes, and appreciate the beauty of the night. It’s a tradition that symbolizes unity and prosperity. As we look up at the same moon, no matter how far apart we may be, our hearts can still be close.

Wishes for Prosperity and Health

May the brightness of the full moon illuminate your path and bring light into your life. May the Mid-Autumn Festival bring you good health, success, and happiness. Let us cherish the moments we have together and create wonderful memories that will last a lifetime.

Inviting Connection

Though we might not be able to celebrate together physically, let's take this opportunity to connect over video chat or phone call. Sharing stories about our Mid-Autumn traditions and experiences would make this festival even more special.

Closing with Love

Wishing you and your family a bright and beautiful Mid-Autumn Festival. May the love and joy of this occasion stay with you throughout the year. Remember, no matter where you are, you are always in my thoughts.

Warmest wishes,

[Your Name]

Adding Personal Touches

To make your greeting even more personal, consider adding a line or two about shared experiences you've had with your friend or any inside jokes you might have. This adds a unique touch that shows you've put thought and care into your message.


With these words, you can convey your warmest sentiments to your friends during the Mid-Autumn Festival. Whether you're writing a traditional card or sending an e-card, the essence of your message is what truly matters. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!


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