
zydadmin2024-09-17  46

Mid-Autumn Festival Origin (Simple Version)

The Mid-Autumn Festival, celebrated in China and by Chinese communities worldwide, is rooted in ancient traditions and folklore. Here is a brief look at its origin:3 4

The Harvest Moon Celebration

Originally, the festival was a celebration of the harvest, when people would give thanks for the bounty of the season under the full moon of the eighth lunar month. The roundness of the moon symbolizes completeness and unity.

The Chang'e Legend

One of the most famous stories associated with this festival is the legend of Chang'e, the lunar goddess. It is said that after her husband Houyi shot down nine suns, saving Earth from a terrible drought, he obtained an elixir of immortality. However, fearing the power it held, Chang'e consumed it to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands and ascended to the moon.

Festival Activities

Today, the festival is marked by family gatherings, sharing mooncakes (a type of pastry), and lighting lanterns. These activities reflect the desire for reunion and harmony among loved ones.

Modern Celebrations

In contemporary times, while the traditions remain, new ways of celebrating have emerged, such as watching performances on television or online, participating in cultural fairs, and enjoying themed dinners at restaurants. Despite changes, the spirit of togetherness remains central to the Mid-Autumn Festival.


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