
zydadmin2023-01-26  101

-我别无他意 -好- which I... which I was not. - Okay.

你看到那座楼了吗Okay, you see that building?


睁大眼睛看着它Keep your eyes on it.

呜 呼Whoo-hoo!


你给我拍了张照You took a picture of me?

从那座楼顶上吗From the top of that building?

是的 不要分享那个照片Yeah. Don't instagram that.


你的鞋子在冒烟Your shoes are smoking.

没 没事 这个 这个 偶尔会发生That... that's fine. It's... it happens sometimes.

这也是我会有一套防摩擦制服的原因It's why I have a friction-proof suit.

你从哪得到的Where did you get that?

我带你去看I'll show you.

模拟警用波频监控犯罪活动的地方monitors the police bands for criminal activity.

我们能追踪到这个城市里发生的任何事情We can track anything that's happening in the city.

来看看这个Check this out.

我们有自己的人造卫星We've got our own satellite.

我知道I know.

我偶尔会黑进去I've hacked into it from time to time.

-真没礼貌 -是的 没错- Rude. - It is, of course,

能再看到你太好了 菲莉西蒂so wonderful to see you again, Felicity.

我只是想知道I'm just wondering

她还需要知道多少我们的行动how much of our operation she needs to know about.

我真的很善于保守秘密I'm really good at keeping secrets.

对了 菲莉西蒂和绿箭侠一起工作Yeah, Felicity works with The Arrow.

-酷毙了 -而你很显然没有和他们一起- Sweet. - And you apparently are not.

现在一切都说得通了Now it's all making sense.

你知道谁是绿箭侠吗You know who The Arrow is.

等下 你知道谁是绿箭侠吗Wait, do you know who The Arrow is?


只能说我的队伍有一个类似的配置Let's just say that my team has a similar set up,

但有 我们的目标更有针对性but with... More pointy objects.

欢迎 斯莫克小姐Welcome, Ms. Smoak.

韦尔斯博士Dr. Wells?

传说中的韦尔斯博士吗The Dr. Wells?

叫我哈里森就可以了 菲莉西蒂Please, call me Harrison, Felicity.

你知道我是谁Oh, you know who I am?

19岁就在Ranked second in

国家信息技术竞赛中the national informative technology competition

取得第二名的佳绩at age 19,

毕业于麻省理工 取得graduated M.I.T. With masters degree

网络安全和计算机科学专业的硕士学位in cyber security and computer sciences.

我知道你是谁I know who you are.

我一直关注科学领域有潜力的天才I keep an eye out for promising talent in scientific fields.

就是这样找到了思科 凯特琳It's what brought me Cisco, Caitlin,

我在你身上看到了无限的潜能and I foresaw great things from you.

说到潜能Speaking of great things,

想看一些很酷的东西吗want to see something cool?

他能跑多快How fast can he run?

理论上来说He hasn't reached his top speed yet,

他还没有达到他的最快速度theoretically speaking.

他真的没有问题吗So is he really okay?

他的心跳对他来说是在正常范围内His heart rate is within normal range for him.

不 我的意思是 闪电球改变了他No, I mean, the lightning bolt changed him.

你们中有人知道 改变了多少吗Do any of you really know how much?

我们知道的相当多We know a fair amount.

如果他身上的一切都在加速If everything about him is sped up,

他是否会老的更快is he going to age faster?

如果他跑得太快了会怎样What would happen if he ran too fast?

我是说 他会不会跑着跑着 然后 噗I mean, would he just be running, and then, poof,

他就在红衣里面化成一堆灰he's dust in a red costume?

我们在科技之星实验室里做的一切Everything we do here at S.T.A.R. Labs

都是为了保护巴里·艾伦is to protect Barry Allen.

相信我 菲莉西蒂 他在这里被照顾得很好Trust us, Felicity, he is in very good hands here.

想知道我倒退能跑多快吗Want to see how fast I can run backwards?

别担心 他痊愈也很快Don't worry. He heals quickly too.


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