
zydadmin2023-01-26  105

跟你讨论一桩正在调查中的案子to discuss an ongoing police investigation with you.

从什么时候开始的 大嘴巴先生Since when, Mr. Blabbermouth?

相信一个自11岁开始就一直Take it from someone who's been

在调查一件不可思议案件的人吧investigating the impossible since they were 11.

写这方面的博客Blogging about this is

你只会搬石头砸自己的脚only gonna bring the crazies to your front door.

我的博客是匿名的My blog is anonymous.

无论是否署名 都是不安全的All right, well, anonymous or not, it's not safe.

你永远都不会知道在网上四处闲逛的You never know what kind of weirdos are out there


我能担保那是真的I can vouch for that.

is full of weirdos and nerd rage...

无数无数的愤青Lots and lots of nerd rage.

你好 我是菲莉西蒂·斯莫克Hi. Felicity Smoak.

我是艾瑞斯·韦斯特Iris West.

我是巴里·艾伦Barry Allen.

不过你们都已经知道了 菲莉西蒂是But you both already knew that. Felicity is...

你在星城认识的The girl that you met in Starling City,

电脑专家 是吧the computerer, right?

你们一起研究巴里的一个不可解释案件You two worked on one of Barry's unexplainable cases.

长话短说 其实真的是可以合理解释的一个案子Which, long story short, was definitely explainable.

所以闪电侠来这里了是吗So the lightning came through here?


过去几周就已经有些谣言了There's been some rumors the last few weeks.

人们在街上看到了一个红色模糊的身影People seen a red blur tearing through the streets.

那究竟是什么What the hell is it, man?

那可能是个无人机Maybe it was a drone.

顶尖的军事机密Some top secret army thing.

在我小时候 我祖父常常When I was a kid, my grandfather used to

带我和我姐姐去汽车餐厅吃饭take my sister and me to this diner, the motorcar.

食物很难吃 但是卖相却很好Food was for crap, but the view was great,


ight across from the Central City precinct.

我现在还是会去那里 去听听他们的广播I still go there. I listen to their radios.

弄懂他们的反应时间I learn their response times.

城中心有40家银行There are 40 banks in Central City,

每家银行都会在60秒内得到警察的支援each of them within 60 seconds of police response.

这也是瞄准移动目标的好处That's the advantage of hitting a moving target.

当装甲车报警时Once the armored car called 911,

在警察赶到之前 我们还有182秒的时间可以逃离we had 182 seconds before any cop could be on the scene.

没有人能够及时阻止我们No one could have gotten there fast enough to stop us.

但是有东西出阻止了But something did,

然后你就乱了阵脚and you lost your cool.

你知道规矩的You know the rules.

不在万不得已的时候 我们绝不击毙警卫或者警察We don't shoot guards or cops unless it's the only option.

我们不需要这个高潮We don't need the heat.

高潮?The heat?

你觉得那团模糊是什么 史纳特What the hell do you think the blur is, Snart?

算了 去他妈的Right. Screw this.

去你的 我不干了Screw you. I'm out.

你不干了 那你也就没什么用处了Well, if you're out, you're out.

那团模糊是个人This blur is a man.

看来游戏得升级了We're gonna have to up our game.

艾瑞斯人很好Iris seems very nice.

也很漂亮 超级美And really pretty. Like, super pretty.


但她不是我女朋友Well, Iris isn't my girlfriend.

其实她已经名花有主了She's just a friend who actually has a boyfriend.

噢 那还 真是有意思Oh, that's... Interesting,

我猜I guess.

你来这里干嘛What are you really doing here?

我是高兴见到你I mean, it's good to see you,

但你和奥利弗是不是有什么需要but do you and Oliver need something, or...

不不 我是来是因为我想见你No, no, I came because I wanted to see you.

我听说你从昏迷中醒来I heard you were out of the coma.

没给我打电话 没有写信给我Didn't call, didn't write,

也没有跑过来didn't race over...

奥利弗告诉你的吗Oliver told you?

其实 那天晚上我听到Honestly, I heard you two talking

你们两个在星城楼顶的谈话on that rooftop in Starling City that night.

我想看看I want to see it.

我是指你的速度And by I mean your speed,

别以为我是在说其他的什么in case you thought I was talking about something else,


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