
zydadmin2023-01-26  111

对 艾瑞斯还想让我去博物馆Right, Iris is trying to talk me into going.

我对博物馆的兴趣不大I'm not much of a museum guy,

但是当她真心想要干嘛的时候but when she really wants to do something...

我先走了I'm just going to walk away now.

对不起 长官 我刚刚去医院Sorry, captain. I was at the hospital

- 看望一个朋友 - 没丢什么东西- visiting a friend. - There's nothing missing.

看起来像是有人阻止了一场抢劫It looks like someone interrupted a robbery.

守卫说他们有三个人Guard says there was three of them.

事实上 有四个Actually, there was four.

我是说 如果去我抢劫这类型的I mean, that's how many I would bring

我会带这么多人if I were doing a robbery of this nature.

那确实是一辆坐着四人的卡车That's definitely a four guy truck.

一个驾驶员 两个人对付守卫 还有A driver, two more to cover the guards, and...

一个人用液氮来破门Somebody used liquid nitrogen to crack open this door,

所以是四个坏蛋so four bad guys.

谢谢你 艾伦先生 你如此牛逼的洞察力Thank you, Mr. Allen, for your brilliant insight.

作为一个如此快的人For somebody so fast,

你在编故事这方面反应有点慢啊you're a little slow on the improvising.

你发现了什么可以帮助我们抓住这些家伙的东西吗Did you see anything that could help us catch these guys?

是的 他们其中一人丢失了面罩Yeah, one of them lost his mask.

我看见了他的脸I saw his face.

看看这些中城头号通缉犯的照片So look through these mug shots of Central City's most wanted,

看能不能找到我们要找的家伙and see if you can find our guy.

是他That's him.


莱昂纳多·史纳特Leonard Snart.

莱昂纳多 名字差不多跟巴塞洛缪一样难听Leonard? That's almost as bad as Bartholomew.

史纳特也不好听啊Snart ain't sexy, either.

史纳特的父亲是个警察Snart's father was a cop...

是个坏警察Was a bad cop.

他总是拿他的孩子出气 直到他最终进了监狱Took his anger out on his kids until he went to prison.

史纳特的父亲也在监狱里Snart's dad's in prison too?

我们可以开个俱乐部了We should start a club.

他 大概 每半年出现一次He shows up, like, every six months.

他在行动之前会勘察好几周He cases a job for weeks before he makes his move.

然后就作案 逃跑Then, he does the job... Gets away.

那是在红色印迹出现之前That's before The Streak was around.

你刚刚是用第三人称称呼你自己吗Did you just refer to yourself in the third person?

我是说红色印迹 而且我可以超越它I referred to The Streak, which I'm pretty sure I can top.

我一直在想新的名字I've been thinking of a new name.

你觉得闪电What do you think about The Fla...

咖啡时间Coffee break.

我要把中城里最好喝的爪哇咖啡Thought I would bring Central City's finest java

带给中城最棒的人喝over to Central City's finest.

谢谢 我戒咖啡因了Thanks. I'm off caffeine.

自从我把我跟埃迪的事告诉我爸之后My dad's been mad at me every since I told him

他就一直在生我的气about me and Eddie.

不 我觉得他生气是因为你没告诉他No, you mean he's mad at you because you didn't tell him.

呃 首先 这话听起来 你是站在他那边的Uh, first, that sounds like you're taking his side,

第二 你知道他是怎么对待这一切的吗and second, do you know how he does this whole,

我不会跟你说话 但是从此以后I'm not talking to you, but I have a whole bag

我会用批判的眼光看到你们"Full of judgmental looks I'm gonna try out on you later?

嗯 我也有几次yeah, I've been on the receiving end

这样的经历of those a few times.

说到交流Speaking of communications,

或者缺少理论 上完这么多新闻课之后or lack thereof, after all of these journalism classes,

-我想到了个主意 -嗯- I got an idea. - Huh.

我开了个博客I started a blog.

哦 关于什么的 你的布朗尼痴迷症吗All right, what's it about? Your brownie obsession?

因为 你知道的 有些东西不说出去比较好'Cause, you know, you probably shouldn't broadcast that.

不 是一些重要事情No, something important.

中城市民需要知道的事情 就是那道红色印迹Something that Central City needs to know about, The Streak.

他真的存在 巴里He's out there, Barry.

有人说 他阻止了早先那场装甲车抢劫案Rumor has it, he stopped an armed car robbery earlier.

我希望能够看看相关文件 并且I was hoping that I could take a look at the file, and...

什么 我不能随意What? I'm not at liberty


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