
zydadmin2023-03-29  91


60个,关于”典型的句子“的英语句子60个,句子主体:Typical sentences。以下是关于典型的句子的小学英语句子。

关于”典型的句子“的英语句子60个,句子主体:Typical sentences。以下是关于典型的句子的小学英语句子。

1、BREEAM-NL EXCELLENT – Highly sustainable technologies were used in the development of the pact building. 杰出的BREEAM-NL–这一高度可持续发展的技术应用在小型建筑的典型例子。

2、Typical sources of such offset currents are insulators and cables. 这种偏移电流的典型来源是绝缘子和电缆。

3、Its modelling has typical clic beauty. 其造型有典型的古典美。

4、Orchids and orchid bees are a clic example of this relationship. 兰花和兰蜂就是这种关系的典型例子。

5、This Shiraz is a clic Australian Shiraz that has bold colours and bold fruit flavours. 这瓶设拉子有着澳洲典型设拉子的粗犷颜色和粗犷果香口感。

6、Liang Ding Fen was a representative of the intellectuals in the Late Qing Dynasty. 梁鼎芬是晚清知识分子的典型代表。

7、The argument between Sun and his wife had been typical. 孙与妻子的争执十分典型。

8、He is a typical B. T. O. 他是个典型的浪荡公子。

9、The used car market is the clic example of quality uncertainty. 二手车市是品质不确定性的一个典型例子。

10、Such as the economy of Japan has been stagnancy in long time. 国际上,日本经济的长期低迷就是一个典型的例子。

11、She is a typical frame, a small nose and mouth wide. 她是一个典型的瓜子脸,小鼻子,嘴巴有点宽。

12、The typical theory model and heat conduction mechanism of thermal conductive polymer material are summarized. 总述了导热高分子材料的典型理论模型和导热机理;

13、Bonds payable are the typical example of long-term liabilities. 应付债券是长期负债的典型例子。

14、" Clic examples of this are " How many piano tuners are there in Seattle? 典型的例子就像「西雅图有多少个钢琴调音师?」

15、He refers to Gri.pe as an example. 他提到Gri.pe就是一个典型的例子。

16、Here's a typical 2-bedroom house in Coober Pedy. 这是库伯佩迪典型的2室房子。

17、I’m a rather typical Asian girl, so this is my response piggybacking Mike’s entry, reviewing it from a typical Asian girl’s mindset. 我是一个典型的亚裔女生,以下从一个典型亚裔女生的心态出发对麦克帖子做一个回应。

18、"S'mores are a clic boy-scout snack, " explains Muniz. more是一个典型的男孩童子军的点心”穆尼斯解释道。

19、Kevin is a typical family man. Kevin是典型的家庭型男人。

20、Typical Characters have a reaction to the typical environment, for three reasons: 1. 典型人物对典型环境有反作用,理由有三:1。

21、Lack of factor VIII causes clic hemophilia; 在典型的血友病中缺乏的是凝血因子VIII;

22、Below is an example of typical business letter. (作表语)下面是典型商业书信的一个例子。

23、Evol is a clic example. Evol就是个典型的例子。

24、Partial cyclopia with some synophthalmia and the typical frontal proboscis. 部分独眼畸形,有点并眼畸形,以及典型的额部鼻子。

25、The biggest example I still see are CRT monitors. 我认为,最典型的例子就是CRT监视器。

26、A typical example might be something like a rules engine (like Drools). 一个典型的例子就是规则引擎 (rules engine,比如Drools)。

27、"S'mores are a clic boy-scout snack," explains Muniz. more是一个典型的男孩童子军的点心”穆尼斯解释道。

28、Don’t be too embarred; Haltzman says your wife style is actually quite typical. 不用觉得很不好意思,霍斯曼说,这种妻子类型其实相当典型。

29、This is the typical bank coerces causes the example which the bank collapses. 这就是典型的银行挤对导致银行垮台的例子。

30、The application of error warnings in the fourth edition of Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English(LDCE) is a typical example. 《朗文当代英语词典》第四版中错误警示的设置,就是一个典型例子。

31、In any case, Confucius was a typical strong man of Shangdong. 但不管怎样,孔子肯定是个典型的山东大汉了。

32、As a typical scholar, Sushi's political psychology was representative. 苏轼是士人群体的一个典型代表,其心态颇具典型性。

33、The s that made Vans a household name is the clic slip-on. 鞋子,使得轻型商用车一个家喻户晓的名字,是典型的单上。

34、Let's place these sub-disciplines in a typical business context. 将这些子流程运用到典型的业务场景中。

35、A typical example is the halogenation of a hydrocarbon. 典型的例子是碳氢化合物的卤化。

36、Who is here so base that would be a bondman? 这可以说是一个典型的平行结构的例子了。

37、This is one of the typical malay kampong house. 在途中,您将通过典型的马来的房子。

38、Thackery was an Englishman of Englishmen, a Londoner of Londoners. 萨克雷是典型的英国人,而且是典型的伦敦人。

39、This eode may serve as a paradigm. 这一插曲可以充作典型例子。

40、The clic example, of course, is PolioPlus. 根除小儿痲痹等疾病计划就是典型的例子。

41、This is a clear example of the logical fallacy called " affirming the consequent". 这正是逻辑谬论“肯定后件”的典型例子。

42、The clic case is the starfish Luidia Sarsi. 典型的例子就是这个海鞘类砂海星属体蚤。

43、Model demonstration; 典型示范;

44、WANG-ji Xue-an is such a case. 《王畿学案》的编纂就是一个典型例子。

45、People touch the neck when they lie. It's a clic manipulator. 人们说谎时习惯摸脖子,这是一种典型的强迫动作。

46、The Atom whirls alone, the epitome of singleness. 原子独自旋转,典型的单一性缩影。

47、There are two typical ways to fasten the girts to the posts. 有两种典型的方式,使墙梁更快地固定在柱子上。

48、A case in point is the generating capacity of renewables. 在这一点上,典型的例子便是可再生能源的发电量。

49、The rate at which the world is losing species is a typical example. 世界的物种流失率就是一个典型的例子。

50、Kemble middle- aged , tall and thin , looked the typical Europe . 肯布尔是中年人,瘦高个儿,是典型的欧洲人的样子。

51、But rather,the suggestion is meant to be that Ivan Ilyich's case is rather typical. 而是把Ivan,Ilyich当作很典型的例子来看。

52、The seconde-merce model is The BBC typical pattern. 第二种电子商务模式的典型代表就是B-B-C模式。

53、That's a typical ilration of his meanness. 那是说明他为人卑鄙的典型例子。

54、Clic examples include graphics processing, brute-force searching, fractals, and particle simulations. 典型的例子包括图形处理、强力搜索、分形和粒子模拟。

55、The clic example of this is now Randy Pausch in The Last Lecture. 最典型的一个例子就是兰迪·波许的最后一课。

56、The father was an imposing horseback type with a wide hat and moustache. 父亲看上去是个典型的马手,仪表堂堂,带阔边帽子,留大胡子。

57、Imagine, if you will, a typical silversmith's shop. 如果你愿意的话,想象一下吧,一个典型的银匠铺子。

58、Typical examples of a m produced tangible object are the motor car and the disposable razor. 大规模生产的可触摸的物品的典型例子如汽车和可抛弃型刮胡刀。

59、The typical example here is String.indexOf and friends, which Dalvik replaces with an inlined intrinsic. 典型的例子就是String.indexOf,Dalvik用内部内联来替代。

60、Synta is a good rapid-scaling example. Synta公司就是扩张过快的典型例子。

61、Hengjiang is a clic externality. 横江就是一个典型的外部成本例子。

62、I’m a typical Leo. I’m faithful but patronizing. 我就是典型的狮子座,忠诚却又自负。

63、Muhammad Ali is the most typical Liezi. 拳王阿里就是最典型的列子。

64、Rex Rabbit, scientific name Rex Rabbit, is a type of fur-rabbit. 獭兔,学名力克斯兔,是一种典型的皮毛用型兔子。

65、The clic example of an addition polymer (polymer). 加聚物(均聚物)的典型例子。

66、Typical patterns of histone methylations exhibited at promoters, insulators, enhancers, and transcribed regions are identified. 表现在启动子、绝缘子、增强子和转录区域的组蛋白甲基化的典型模式被确定。

67、The whois protocol is an example of this. whois就是一个典型的例子。

68、This result will be helpful for us to know the subgroup structure of corresponding clical groups over mutative rings. 并且有利子研究可换环上相应的典型群的子群结构。

69、It is a perfect example of initiative . 这也是原动性的一个很典型的例子。

70、Tele-home-care is a typical application of M2M technology. 电子家庭医疗是M2M技术应用到的一个典型。

71、Gentlemen, an ideal personality established in the Analects of Confucius, originally referred to the people of status; 君子是孔子在《论语》中树立的理想的人格典型。

72、The less a horses nail is a typical example. 《少了一个马掌钉》就是典型的例子。

73、The following case is a typical example of the Ombudsman's work. 下述事件是司法特派员工作的一个典型例子。

74、What's that a good example of? Syncopation, yeah. 那是个什么样的典型例子呢,非常好,切分音

75、The light ion implanted waveguide has been demonstrated to be a typical barrier-confined waveguide. 轻离子注入形成典型的光学位垒型光波导。

76、A good example of a Warrant Officer is a helicopter pilot. 关于准尉的一个典型例子是直升飞机驾驶员。

77、A typical example is Yunlin County's Gu-keng Township. 云林县古坑乡即为一典型的例子。

78、Lanzhi, who is lonely, is a model that represents the woman being dispelled and ceased. 刘兰芝的孤独是被弃、被休女子的典型。



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