
zydadmin2023-04-01  72


If you work hard enough, you can catch the sunrise at five in the morning and the sunset at six in the evening. I mean if you work hard enough, you have the choice.


When you make up your mind to work hard, you should understand that you must be calm and full of blood. You don't have to pay attention to other people's eyes. You must quietly pave the road. This is a painful process, but when you get the achievements that others admire, you will understand that any effort will pay more or less in return.


If it's hard, you don't have time to cry tired. If it's miserable, you don't have time to feel ashamed. You don't have enough to bear, so you have time to plain.


I don't try to change, no one can grow up for you. When young, pursuing ease, spending time in vain is the biggest cruelty to yourself. The world is small, please run with your dreams; the world is big, please keep growing with persistence.


Remember a formula, an ancient poem, may bee that miracle?


If you don't try your best, you are not qualified to criticize others for being careless. It's easy to plain, but people who shut up and work hard are more respectable.


Don't be addicted to playing games any more. If you lose the game, you can have a game again. Can you start your life again?


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